Saturday, December 10, 2011

Trophy Knives

Trophy knives (4), 2011, Plaster on Canvas, 24 in x 12 in (each)

Trophy knives (single view), 2011, Plaster on Canvas, 24 in x 12 in (each)

Trophy knives (detail), 2011, Plaster on Canvas, 24 in x 12 in (each)

A modern implement is shown as an ancient artifact. I find it amusing that broken old stuff is show-worthy while broken new stuff is dumped. Knives are useful, sharp and dangerous. Like most household items, broken or defective knives are discarded without much thought. A good tool, however, is missed when it is gone. The presented work is an homage to defect and a celebration of rejection. Trophy knives are made of white plaster attached to blank canvases.